Did a Multi billion £ Saudi Typhoon sweep through the UK economy putting millons at risk of corona virus?

In Jan 2020 a Chinese Business man from Hong Kong was reported to bring a new mysterious virus into to the UK that to date has killed 44,000 in  UK, but is this really the case?

The handling of this corona virus outbreak has brought the UK Governments reputation under attack. Its response has lined Boris Johnson and his cabinet in the cross-hairs of the left. 

The UK media once again launches its bombardment of relentless claims, condeming the Tories for their actions in handling the outbreak. 

But as the Government continues their fight to maintain the status quo. There is a missing question that to date has not been asked?

Much is still left unkown and un answered.

The main uneasy one, did the UK Government hide the real truth about coronavirus to safeguard a multi £bn deal with one of our oldest middle eastern allies?

Or would they have even declared a public emergency if the "Princess Diamond" story hadn`t broken?

They are some facts that still have not had any form of public admission.

The UK and the world has been monitoring the potential outbreak of a corona virus or a influenza virus that causes acute respirtatory , that has been classed as epidemic in Saudi Arabia and the middle east since 2012.[9]

Then along came Brexit, dividing and breaking trade relations with the EU.

We all know how the vote went in 2016 and how the UK population voted overwhemingly to leave the Euroeapen single market.

A decision that at the time threw the Government and opposition into choas and lead to 3 years of going backwards and forwards in negotiations. 

This decision was reinforced by the landslide defeat of Labour in 2019. Those who voted for Brexit remember why they put pen to paper as many Britons slammed illegal immigration and voted for a stronger country 

In between 2016-2017 Britain turned to our closest allies to build trade deals to stengthen the kofers. 

One sector that was growing rapidly was the multi-Billion tourism industy on-Board cruise ships.[1]

2018 The United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia  opens its arms to the global market by offering Visas for the first time for tourism. [2]

2018 figures show that tourism is growing to the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and millions visit the South China Sea.[3]

Main vistors to Saudi Arabia travel from Britain and China. [8]

This is great news as the Global travel industry. 

Then when things started to settle down along came a mystery virus that came into the UK from China and locked done the UK.

Well this is story, we have all come to terms with. But is this really the case?

Since 2012 the Arabian Pennisula and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been gripped by a killer virus that kills 4-10 people who it has infected. The World Health organisation deckare am epidemic [4] 

A disease spread by human to human contact that kills through severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARs) [4]

A disease that cruise line operators, the world health organistation, the UK, US, South Korean, Saudi, Taiwanse, Dutch and many more have deemed a credible risk to public health. [4]

2014 the WHO release guidance on how to deal with an outbreak of the disease on board cruise ships

This same disease in 2015 shut down cruise ships from travelling to, from and around the China Sea.

Since 2013 the UK Government has provided information, clinical guidance, information for Hajj pilgrans and how to cognise symptons and what steps should be taken to control the sptead of the virus [5]

What is this killer coronavirus? MERs-COV middle eastern respiratory syndrome-coronavirus. Spread by camels to human that since 2012 it has infected people in 27 countries and killed in it thousands. [4]

However this coronavirus has hit the news headlines and indeed even now during this pandemic it hasnt been raised in any media story and its very existance seems to be ignored.

Why has the UK Government omitted MERs-Cov from the story. Why has public health England not linked the two outbreaks or informed the UK that they have used to science learnt from MERs-Cov as the model for this pandemic?

For close to a decade the UK has spent millions on resarching MERs-COV, has being working closely in supplying aid to help fight the virus across the globe. [9]

Even when we began seeing a spike in the number of acute respirtority cases raise quickly in 2019 before the covid-19 Princess Diamond story broke in Jan 2020.

Why didnt the UK Government issue travel advice or restrictions to the epi-center of the MERs-Cov outbreak, the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? [9]

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that the damaged done to the travel industry in the middle east would have been a economic diseaster to the Saudi Goverenment.

"But this wouldnt have affected the UK economy would it?" In short yes as in 2018 alone over 1 million cruise ship passengers embarked and disembarked in Southampton. [1]

Not to mention the harm it would have done to existing British Saudi trade deals if the UK would have turned the tap off to British Hajj Pilgrims and tourists.

Finally there was also an ongoing secert trade discussion on the table from 2016 - 2018. The supply of 48 BAE Systems Typhoon fighter Aircraft, each plane estimatef to cost £70-80 million each [7]

A deal that in sales alone has netted the UK economy billions. Along with Aircrew training, maintantance this contract will bring in much, much more as well as have shared strike capabilty in the middle east this deal is stratigically priceless. [7]

Only Boris Johndon and No10 has the answers as to the reasons why MERs-Cov is missing for the Covid-19 story.

As the world looks towards a second wave. There is a truth that no one wants to acknowlege MERs-Cov.

As a new more deadly unknown virus a type of infilenza hitting the headlines. These new cases are coming from countries that have struggled to contain MERs-Cov since 2012.





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