The hidden facts behind Covid-19


One week ago we heard about a new mutated strain of Coronavirus that spreads more rapidly than previous strains.

This new virus has closed our borders, restricted movement and brought in a new set of draconian measures destroying Christmas for millions.

However there is good news that current testing methods and the vaccine will still be useful to fight this new virus.

But how is this possible? Recent Freedom of Information request clearly state that the testing is specific to SARS-CoV-2 the virus that causes Covid-19. So if there is a new mutated virus how can this be possible? Then on top of this if the vaccine has been specifically designed to stop the spread of Covid-19 how can it be possible that it could stop a new virus?

Is it possible that everything we have been told to date is a lie? That the vaccine being used iss the same vaccine? That testing methods test generically for Coronaviruses from the same family.

Yet again when we look at the original location of the first reported cases do we really need to question the source of the virus. It seems yet again the virus is spreading along known migration rotues and has arrived on the Kent coast.

But yet the media has left out any talk of the Coronavirus that is part of the same family of viruses that causes Covid-19. A virus that promoted research into the vaccine that is currently being deployed, a vaccine that was patented in 2012.

Then on top of all this it seems our Government is working from a script. Similar the the "pandemic" documents that many people have brought to the surface.

Documents prepared by the World Health Organisation, SAGE, GAVI and the World Bank that lay out every stage of this Pandemic.

Chapter 1 - The beginning.

On 18th January 2020 a Story broke in the new York times about a mysterious virus that infected 130 people over a weekend. A virus that caused acute respiratory disease and had started to flood across China. This virus first Emerged in December 2019 [1]

Reports also claimed the virus had begun to spread past the borders of China. Its infection was spreading into South Korea, Thailand and Japan.

The NY times article stated that
“On Sunday, China’s central government sought to reassure the public that it had the situation under control. 

In Beijing’s most extensive remarks on the outbreak since it began last month, the National Health Commission said that experts agreed that an epidemic was “still preventable and controllable.

Still, the commission acknowledged that the source of the virus and its path of transmission were not fully understood.

The mutation of the virus still needs to be closely monitored, the statement said.”

In February 2020  a stories started to appear about a number of cruise ships quarantined off the major ports. 

Focus was on the Diamond Princess that was anchored off Japen as the infection took. Passengers had begun to be struck down by an influenza type virus that had rapidly spread through the ship. [2]

Again the worlds media and world governments claimed that this was a mysterious virus that had come from nowhere, that they didn’t understand its transmission.

Social media started to flow out from the locked down cruise ship as passengers began to share their videos online. 

With scenes that looked like something straight out of a Pandemic horror  movie we saw passengers struggling to breath as they were isolated and locked in their cabins.[3]

As more passengers became seriously ill a report started to circulate that a Hong Kong business man had become patient zero for the spread of a global pandemic.[4]

Social media and the news papers claimed that the cruise ship staff were completely unprepared for the outbreak. 

But when more countries began to register cases panic was forced upon the globe. Infection spread and daily infection figures pictures appeared on the TV. 

Photographs and videos showing people dying in the streets and officials wearing hazmat suits. Foreign governments began claiming that they were struggling to understand and control the mystery virus. 

As quickly as the virus appeared the deaths began to mount up. In February 11th 2020 the world health organisation finally gave the virus and its disease a name [5]

In the UK due to a number of business men entering the country after visiting Southern Asia infections began to spread like wildfire. 

The media portrayed a government that was ill prepared immediately the opposition began to question the governments response. [6]

Article’s started to appear in the press and social media posts stories of an unknown virus spreading rapidly through the population and in particular care homes, killing off our vulnerable and elderly. [7]

Towards the end of February the UK Government began to push it media campaign claiming that the scientific community were working around the clock to understand the Virus. 

They then started to published measures to Control the spread of the virus, save lives and protect our NHS. [8]

So we are lead to believe that from December to February 2020 the WHO and scientists around the world where able to isolate an unknown virus, develop testing methods to identify the vurus, develop diagnosis algorithms and treatment regimes. All within 8-12 weeks a record by anyones standards.

In the same time the UK Government had also created a media and TV campaign to spread awareness to this previously unknown virus.

Again all this was achieved in around 8-12 weeks, this was an achievement on miracle scale. 

Within this short timescale they had also begun to develop strategies and vaccines to keep people save, a process that would usually take years.

As the virus began to spread the UK population began to pay attention and both the UK Government and media went into overdrive. Throughtout the Pandemic the UK Government has fuelled divide by changing restrictions and even the PM has spoken out about anti-vaxers.

So the story we were expected to believe  was “An unknown virus began to race through the population. This deadly virus had no cure, no treatment.”

The problem with this story is that there is a treatment and the killer disease has a survival rate of over 99%.

March 2020 for the first time in my life time the UK was forced into lockdown and the world never be the same again.

Chapter 2 - truth behind the Narrative.

Since this Pandemic something has been missing. As a Professional investigator things just didnt stack up. 

The lack of information and the way the Government didn’t stand up under the scrutiny they faced, raised a number of  points.

I began to investigate what was happening, along the way I found a number of twusts and turns.

My research and the evidence that quickly racked up began to paint a different picture.
So here is the fact and the evidence that shows a different truth behind the story we are expected to believe.

The “Unknown" virus. 

Before the outbreak of world war 1 chemical weapons had been used in wars throughout the centuries. The scientific community began to research the effects of contamination on nature after such attacks.

After the Haigh convention banned the use of chemical weapons in the 1880s scientists began to research how they could infect livestock thst powered the great armies of world and poison the food sources of campaigning armies, this was the birth of biological warfare.

During WW1 the use of both chemical and biological weapons lead to the discovery of some of the worst substances known to man. 
From mustard gas to anthrax military leaders killed millions on both sides.

After WW1 as troops returned home after being infected we saw the first true real global pandemic the Spanish flu. This outbreak and the emergence of other diseases caused by viruses that threatened both livestock and humans became a threat to the world. 

Diseases such as foot and mouth were being researched, this had lead to a new study virology had been created, research into Zoonotic viruses, or viruses spread from animals to humans that cause disease in Humans. 

In the 1920s a German Virologist and veterinarian Erich Traub began to understand, Lyme’s disease and foot and mouth disease.
His research in the 1920s was sponsored by the “Rockefeller institute” and at the time it was ground breaking it focused on transmission and prevention. [9]

When the NAZIs rose to power Traubs research continued. When in the darkest hours of his research he experimented on prisons in Dachua concentration camp. 

Traub and his mentor Kurt Blome headed up the “special unit" who throughout the war carried out biological warfare experiments on humans which was banned under international laws.[10]
During WW2 the special units research increased. Along with access to more human subjects their knowledge grew. 

At this time the Germans shared their research with the their allies the Japanese imperial armies Unit 731 who also carried out similar experiments on humans. Their research focused on how to spread Malaria using mosquito ‘s and rat lice to spread the plague. [11]

Unit 731 was headed up by General Shiro Ishi who had sanctioned human experiments in which prisoners were infected with live viruses and then dissected alive to understand the diseases caused. 

The unit also developed delivery methods and how the could infect whole populations. [12]

These units carried out some of the worst atrocities of the war and untold war crimes. But instead of facing trial at the end of the war many of the lead scientists, doctors were taken by the US military to work on their own biological programmes.[13]

Skip forward throughout the decades the US, UK, Japan and Germany continued its research into Zoonotic diseases. During this time they had been a number of outbreaks, such as avian flu, swine flu. These new zoonotic diseases were re Categorised as Coronavirus.[14]

Chapter 3 - Back to the present and the “Unknown virus"

In 2005 the World Health Organisation (WHO) and 194 member states signed the International Health Act regulations to help prevent the spread of infections diseases. 

The focus was not just on the human cost. It also looked at how a Pandemic could crush the global economy. [15]

Since the late 1990s the UK Government has carried out health surveillance to monitor potential outbreaks. [16]

From the early 2000s and especially when SARs became a wake up call to the world the threat of an influenza virsus that could lead to acute respiratory failure became viable threat to national security and hit the biological threat top 10. [17]

2011 a deadly Coronavirus emerges. More deadlier than any other virus that had come before. [18]

With a mortality rate of other 30% the disease rapidly spread from bats to camels to human. The disease would cause death by respiratory failure and stroke. 

Designated as MERS-COV or Middle Eastern Respiratory syndrome Coronavirus due to the fact the first reported cases came from the Arabian peninsula and spread into Northern Africa and Southern Asia within a matter of years.[18]

In 2011 the WHO deemed MERS-COV a credible threat to health security but a low risk of transmission because of someone would have to travel to the Middle East and they would have had to come into contact with someone who was infected.[18]

At the same as MERS-COV emerged Oxford University announced it had found a game changing vaccine that used Adenovirus vectors that could be adapted to fight a number of diseases. [19]

Since the late 1990s there have been a number of patents filled for viruses and their vaccines. But in the early 2000s the number of these patents increased, especially patents including those for Coronaviruses. 

Many debates have taken place regarding the filing of these patents because it was at the time illegal to patent nature. However as research increased laws where amended to allow these patents to be passed.[20]

So taking all of this into account lets go back to the beginning of our story and the omissions of fact. 

The Unknown virsus was indeed very known and partnerships have been found between the UK, US Governments and Governments in South Korea, Japan and Taiwan to research these Coronaviruses from the early 2000s.[21]

Also from 2011 the UK Government has produced a number of guidelines to prevent the spread of an influenza type virus that could cause severe respiratory failure.

The UK Government had been carrying out weekly health surveillance with focus on Influenza and since the Early 2000s because of SARs, H1NI and in 2011 due to MERs-COV this was stepped up. [22]

Thanks to this increase health surveillance patterns of It is how these outbreaks happen and their epicentres are monitored. With Care Homes, Schools and Hospitals show  high up the list. New guidance where published to control the spread of infectious diseases.[23] 

With this research it is established that influenza season breaks out in December and runs through to March. [24]

However on the weekly influenza report outbreaks can show as early as October and run through to May. In March 2020 we begin to see an increase in influenza type deaths. 

Now consider the dates when the new mysterious virus began to hit the headlines. How it mirrored, symptoms, dates and transmission it was easy to assume this was a Coronavirus. 
Since China was the start point the world turned to China and questions began to be rise. 

“What was the virus and how does it spread and where did the outbreak began to occur?”
It was safe to assume this influenza style was new virus because the media seemed to miss out some of the facts. 

No one had reported on the facts that China had previously been struck down by Coronavirus and they had been researching these viruses for years before. This research since 2015 has been closely shard with thier partners Oxford University Jenner Institute.

On top of this they have also been working under a partnership that was brokered with Public Health England that included the World Health Organisation, American CDC, Taiwanese CDC Public Health England, Japan and South Korea. [25]

Not one reporter made the connection to the 2015/16 Asian MERS-COV outbreak that was still affecting the area. MERS-COV mirrored to symptoms being seen, spread the same way. However even though countries across the globe have been on standby for such an outbreak since 2012. 

The media claimed it was an unknown virus that the global states didn’t understand how it spread and its origins although after genome sequencing the virus has been matched to the Beta coronavirus family. Research into these Coronaviruses have been going on for over a decade.

Strategies and policy for such an out break have published regularly this increased after the discovery of MERS-COV.

Annually, since 2012 because of the growing Asian population and the growth of the travel industry to the Middle East and Asia the UK Government, NHS, Muslim Council of Britain and Public Health England have published guidance about Coronavirus, especially MERS-COV. 

This guidance included how to recognise the symptoms  control the spread of the virus and how to provide treatment. 

The symptoms 
A) Constant cough
B) High temperature 
C) Loss of taste/Smell and headache.

What steps should you take to avoid the virus whilst in Large gatherings , such as Hajj the holy Muslim pilgrimage 

A) Cover you mouth and nose
B) Social distance 2metres away from anyone showing signs of infection.
C) Wash your hands.
D) Self isolate for 14 days if you have come into contact with someone who is infected or showing symptoms.

Since 2014 the World Health Organisation has published yearly guidance in how to control the accidental or deliberate release of an influenza type virus that would spread rapidly and cause respiratory failure.

Included in this guidance information was provided especially for cruise ships that focused on infection prevention on-board ship. Specific guidance was published in 2014 about how to deal with an outbreak.

This was put into practice in 2015 when a number of cruise ships operating around South Korea where forced to stop sailing and where quarantined due to MERS-COV outbreaks.[26]
Because of this outbreak enhanced health surveillance was stepped up at ports with testing and temperature checks becoming a normal way of cruise ship life. 

However when the 2020 outbreak hit the claimed they couldn’t even test for the virus. But yet PCR testing was readily being used.[27]
Even though the threat was still there and the virus was known the cruise ships continued to sail right up to Feb 2020.

In 2013 and 2016 MERs-Cov had also started to hit the UK and Europe.[28]

In 2016 the UK stepped up training around its Emergency response to a pandemic.[29]

Also at the same time a Business case study was prepared and submitted to allow for the funding of £14.9m to develop a project that world put the UK at the forefront of global health and security and pandemic response. 

Chapter 4 - Project GB-GOV- 10 - IHR - PHE

The agreement put forward would see the development of a partnership between Public Health England, the World Health Organisation, American CDC, Chinese CDC, African CDC and Canada, Sierra Leone, Nigeria. [30]

The projects focus would be on on how the UK would lead the way in a Pandemic, how they would support and train partner countries and supply new technologies to detect and prevent emerging health threats. 

The project named started November 2016 is due to end March 2021 [31]

Also in 2015 a new trade deal was struck with the Chinese Central Committee allowing the trade of technology and innovation. 

One of the focus areas was global health security, at the time this trade deal was valued at £2 billion.[32]

Chapter 5 - The truth.

In short the Governments around the world knew that Coronavirus was spreading across Asia and Middle East since 2011. 

They have Categorised the viruses and researched Beta coronavirus extensively. Governments in the Middle East and Asia where already dealing with ongoing epidemics of a virus they suspected would be a global threat since. 

A virus that is now established to be from the same family as the 'Unknown virus"
Cruise ships have been preparing for and dealing with this kind of outbreak since 2014.
Testing , treatment regimes and control measures for this type of Outbreak have been around since 2003.

This virus and the Pandemic was not as Unknown as we had been lead to believe and the pandemic had been expected. Plans had be put in place to deal with such an outbreak have been in place since 2011.

In fact in 2015 intense research was and still is being carried out in Wuhan China. This research has be supported and financial backed by the UK and US.

Millions have been invested into research of Bat Coronavirus especially virus spread from the Horse BAT. This research was shared between the partners [33]

The UK Government had not only published guidance into how to protect people. 

They had also prepared business plans and drawn up agreements, entered into partnerships that would see them profit from a Pandemic.
However the truth raises some major questions into why did these facts get left out of the story? Why was the media able to print stories that were so poorly researched?

In Feb 2020 the World Health Organisation deemed this as a new virus because it lead to a new disease. 

It went from no symptons to the worst case caused death by acute respiratory failure the same as all of the other Coronaviruses in the same family (Beta coronavirus) and on the same lineage (C). 

They claimed because the viris could also lead to a disease that had no symptoms, no illness they branded it as a new virus and new disease.

Virus -SARs-COV 2 ( following on from SARS-COV)

Disease – Covid-19 (Coronavirus disease 2019)
For a disease to be a disease it has to have symptoms or cause illness to be diagnosed.

The fact they can name a disease on the basis of no symptoms raises further questions.

It is from here the global Covid-19 media campaign, the misinformation and misdirection took othersymptoms than the spread of the disease.

Research index


































33) evidence of research  2015


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