Did the legacy of Chemical Warfare create corona-virus?

Has the human race fashioned its own end? By playing with nature or is nature fighting back?

After researching corona-virus outhreaks over the last 12 months. The one question many people ask "Is the Covid virus man made?" This light a spark inside me to find out about these killer viruses.

As an Army veteran this then started to push me on to think about my NBC training in the 1990s, learning about the effects of these killer compounds. This spurred on the research I have done regarding MERs-Cov and its threat as a bio-hazard.[1]

By peeling back the skin of this question I found out some amazing research dating before the first war world.

Many peoole believe chemocal weapons are a prodict of the modern battlefield but poisons, toxics and bactetia have been used for centuriee. But tor this piece i wanted to try to find a link between the outbreak epicentres and tye use of chemical weapons. With some digging I managed to do just that.

There have been many mass chemical attacks across the middle east and asia since 1894. In fact the art of biological warfare goes right hack into ancient warfare. With many ancient warriors using poison tip weapons and even a rotting pigs head thrown over medival castle walls to spread infection to end seige's. Chemical warfare is something that has been around since the dawn of tine.

These weapons because of the indiscrimnate way they kill and the long lasting efrects where banned from use in 1907 Haigh convention. However this didnt stop their use and then along come the first industrial war WW1.

During the war both sides used thousands of tonnes of Chemical Weapons in the bizarre hopes it would break the stale mate.

"Mustard gas was the agent of choice, with the British stockpiling 40,719 tons, the Soviets 77,400 tons, the Americans over 87,000 tons and the Germans 27,597 tons."

The most common of these chemical killers was Mustard Gas. This heavier than air yellow killer mist would slowly creep slow and low across the battle field and sink into enemy trenches. The toxic cloud would reap pain and death onto the young soliders slowly watching death edge towards them. [2]

To achieve this mustard gas wasnt atcually a gas it was a liquid. It was designed to blind the enemy and attack the lungs. To do this the liguid would be pressurised into an areosol, this was done through either exploded it above the trenches or using ptessurised canisters and large spray guns attached to air pumps. The areosol could be spread over miles of threnches or settling on the open ground and contaminating water supplies. 

One of the unforseen side efrects of mustard gas or mustatd Sulfar was how the chemical attacked the nervous system and the infection it caused within the lungs and the bacteria created. This bacteria would grow and through close contact or through coughing up infected murcus be spread around informed and dying troops who were packed shoulder to shoulder in make shift field hospitals.

Because this manfactured toxic liquid would not only attack and kill the troops it was aimed at it would be carried by the wind and would poison the landscape and eco-system. This toxic pollution created deadly bacteria that found its way into the food-chain. Starving animals would feed of the land and animals dead of alive and the bacteria passed from human to animal, animal and human. 

Quoted "These substances bear numerous toxic effects on soil microorganisms. They change significantly the number and the specific composition of soil microbiota and inhibit the enzyme activity of soils. The main “ecological targets” of mustard and its hydrolysis products' toxic action have been determined."

"Conclusions: Mustard gas is a weapon, but also a prevalent environmental threat. Recognizing the immense environmental presence of mustard gas disposal sites and the signs and symptoms of exposure will help speed treatment to those accidentally or purposefully exposed." 

Towards the back end of the was a number of gasess where used, nerve agents and blistering agents would kill without compassion. Many of these infected bodies would sweep dangetous bacteris into the water system, soil and widlife. 

These toxins and bacteria could last in the eco system for months and the bacteria created would have lasting effects. By the end of the war diseases formed on the back of the toxic cocktails began to spread affecting millions. [3]

After the world was hit by its very first Influenza outbreak the "Spanish Flu" over 500 million people across the Globe where affected and 50 million people dead.

Many believe that Spanish Flu was Avuan, spread by birds. The very first Zoonotic diseasse was born. 

However behind the scenes many people believed that this killer was a hang over from the Great War and research started, its findings where staggering.

After World War 1 the world sued for peace. Many countries swore they would never use these devesting weapons again. But secretly these countries researched newer more deadly chemicals.

Since the the great war we have had a number of outbreaks and infected millions with new bacteria every decade. From the Spanish flu, swine flu, bird flu, Ebola and coronavirus the list is never ending.

It is now recognised that Influenza killed more healthy soldiers than any World War 1 hattle. Many returning troops with inflected bacteria began to spread the disease across the globe.

Every country began researching the bacterial and biological effects of these chemicals. In the hopes to create an effective defence against these mass killers and the longer effects on the environment.

Skip forward to corona-virus. When you look at the epicentres of the more recent corona-virus outbreaks we see a pattern emerged.


First Sino- Japan war

1984- the first mass chemical weapons attack launched by the Japenses against Korea and China.  Both epi-centers in the 2002-2003 SARs and 2015 MERs-Cov outbreak.

Tye Rif War

1911- 1927 the Spanish Army used Mustard gas against the Berbet Armies in Morroca. MERs-COV and Covid-19 outbreaks.

First World War

1914-1918 across the Globe and the western front Euorope. Outbreaks of Spanish Flu, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, Mers-Cov and Covid -19

Wuhan- China  Second Sino-Japan war

11 Jun 1938- the Japenese Army launched their largest chemical weapons attack of the war. The then used the city of Wuhan to stockpile thousands of tonnes of chemical weapons that stayed there untill 2011. 

2002-2003 SARs outbreak
2015 MERs-Cov outbreak
2019 So called Epi-Centre of SARs-COV-2 outbteak.

The middle east has experienced more chemical attacks than anywhere else in the world

1962-1967 Egyptian army attacks Yemenian troops with Mustard Gas.

1988 Iraqi forces attack Kurdish civikians with Mustard Gas.

1987, AprilSiege of Basra (Karbala-5)mustard and tabun
1987, JuneChemical bombing of Sardashtmustard
1987, Octobermustard and nerve agent
1988, MarchHalabja chemical attackmustard and nerve agent

These are just a hand full of the chemical attaxks from the Middle East.

In 2012 These same middle Easten and Asain counteries are now at the epicentres of major Corona-virus outbreaks.

Throught the last 5 decades work has been under to try to safely destroy Chemical and bio-logical way to protect both life and the environment.

During 2019 before the Covid-19 Outbreak the Japanese were destroying stockpiled chemical weapons left over from WW2.

The legacy of these chemical weapon attack are now easy to see.

The only question that remains are these modern outbreaks down to the evolution of the bacteria created by these attacks released into the ECO-system.

Our have these biological side effects been manipulated after years of research and the results weaponised?

With ovet 100,000 tonnes of chemical and biological weapons stock piled across the globe. It remain to he asked is there something more deadlier around the corner

One thing is for sure we have not seen the end of corona-virus.

[1] https://www.who.int/csr/don/26-april-2016-mers-saudi-arabia/en/

[2] https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/sulfurmustard/basics/facts.asp

[3] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17537425/





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