Is Covid 19 a clever use of Branding designed to hide the origins of the outbreak.

Since 2012, has the fear of being branded racist stopped critical information being passed to the public about an outbreak of a deadly coronavirus?

Did this lead to the whole country being forced into lockdown as not to single out any single community?

Would honest debate and transparency saved lives?

Or did the Government omit certain details to protect our middle eastern allies?

Over the last 10 years the Labour Party on the left have criticised both Boris Johnson And the conservative party as being racist. 

But did the fear of adding to these claims of racism force the whole population of the UK into lockdown.

The coronavirus outbreak has been has become a political weapon of mass destruction for both sides. 

One side gaining credit for its quick response to this mystery disease that stealthily crept up on the country throwing it into chaos. 

The government has been praised for its quick response to the COVID-19 outbreak claiming that they have used the science to respond to this epidemic.

The left and BAME community groups councils and BAME leaders have been quick to attack them with claims they were not well prepared and the bame community has suffered greatly. 

These allegations are completely not true since 2012 the Government has been ready for such an outbreak. 

What's more NHS trust and the Muslim council of Britain has routinely been provided guidance from Public Health England. 

The question that really needs to be asked is why wasnt this information made public in such a way to be able to reduce the threat of Coronavirus?

Which views is right the suggestion that the Government that has sat by and watched events unfold, unprepared and slow to act.

Or a rapid reaction to a pandemic that spring up and struck the world and brought it to its knees within 6 months.

As you sit here now imagining scientists working tirelessly around the Clock to beat COVID-19 just pause and think. 

Is it plausible to carry out micro biological testing to identify a mysterious virus in the space of 8 -12 weeks to gain research that has allowed the following: identifying the virus, creating an algorithm to stop the spread of the virus, creating controls to be able to test trace and track the spread of the virus, to identify policies and procedures to deal with cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome, to develop 14 day isolation strategies, and two identify the process of washing your hands for 20 seconds.

Then based on the science within 8 to 12 weeks the government has been able to react quickly to lock down the country.

Not to mention The amount of planning required to construct and build the Nightingale hospitals to mobilise the NHS to identify key workers, volunteers to create distribution networks within the same 8 to 12 week. How likely does this seem.?

On the other side we have the left and various BAME community groups and movements like black lives matter that have attacked the government for its slow response to the outbreak. That they have not done enough.
Claiming they have put BAME communities at higher risk by not providing adequate information,  Controls in different languages, that they have not produced enough guidance to deal with the outbreak, and have used this to indicate a country that has systematic racism.

We have all seen the Labour councillors MPs and BAME community members human rights activists openly attacking the governments response with claims of racism.

Due to this during lockdown We have seen A tit for tat fight on social media blasting people for breaking lockdown rules and to blam people from different communities causing divide in the UK.

Ask yourself how plausible are these claims 

1) the government was able to plan prepare and put into action a plan to prevent the crisis spreading by controlling the spread of the virus and reducing person to person contact by science gained over an 8 to 12 week. 

2) how likely was it for the scientific community to carry out the research they needed to identify an unknown virus uncreate algorithms track and trace process is to be able to slow down the spread of the virus within such a short time scale. 

3) how likely was it for the leadership on the left to identify that bank communities were the most hard hit by the COVID-19 virus with such limited data.

In 2002 China the first recorded outbreak of SARS came to light when a disease that created severe acute respiratory failure infected over 8000 people killing 774 this disease came from a virus that was grew from bacteria from a bat.

2003 the outbreak of SARS was contained.
From this date many nations began to research zoonotic viruses that created severe acute respiratory syndrome brackets SARS close brackets. 

These zoonotic viruses were later classified as HUCov or human coronaviruses.
These coronavirus infected th lower an upper respiratory tract causing breathing complications lack of option And death. 

The outbreak of SARS was controlled and contained within one year and ended in 2003 and disappeared from the minds of the western press. 

Jump too 2019, how possible was it for two Chinese businessmen.

One that came into the UK and one on-board a cruise ship to spread a disease that has infected over 284 thousand and killed 44,000 people across the UK.

Since the Wuhan outbreak the world scientific community as rapidly sprung into action.

Identifying a new strain of SARS this new virus is more easterly and rapidly spread and has infected millions this virus is called SARS-COV-2 this virus has led to the new disease COVID-19 that has milder clinical symptoms than any other coronavirus that ranges from mild flu like colds to severe acute respiratory failure. 

Within a short time The UK government has managed  to find funding to invest billions through furlough schemes Into UK industry to keep the economy going. 

There seems to be a missing piece in the puzzle, and missing link. 

If you believe the narrative that’s a mysterious coronavirus has emerged from nowhere a new strain since the 2002 - 2003 outbreak has mutated into something that has created a global pandemic. 

You are also asked to believe that governments from around the world have within an 8 to 12 week have achieved miracles.

Managing to identify this virus implement various procedures 2 test track and trace and control the spread of a fatal disease.

Now before I get to the truth I would like to say now this is not conspiracy theory all I’ve done is applied the same method as the UK government and followed the science. 

The truth to this matter is much simpler to follow and explains a lot of your unanswered questions however it also leads to a disturbing reality that has put the lives of millions at risk.

In April 19th 2020 the Guardian article published a article entitled how did Britain Get its Corona virus response so wrong? [1]

It quoted the following as the warnings grew louder Boris Johnsons government was distracted by Brexit on testing contact tracing an equipment supply there was a failure to prepare.

The article then goes on to mention a number of things (paraphrasing) the following information In Wuhan China December 2019 a disease spread by bats to humans had started to infect hundreds of people.  

The article does discuss the 2002 the 2003 SARS outbreak the western media begins lining up China in the cross hairs as a potential villain of the Story.

However it seems to miss out an important piece of information another outbreak one which is one deadly than SARs.

This is not the only major attack that drew me to write this report.

Financial Times 23rd April 2020 title how politics forted the you kid UK COVID-19 response.

ITV News 17th of April 2000 and full titled UK incomers probably has Europe’s highest death rate becausr the government was too slow to act experts warn.

You can trawl through social media Google and media libraries and find if you look you will find article  after article that repeat this statement.

The truth of the matter and the potential reasoning’s are far more concerning then what has been reported.

This is the timeline we are expected to believe.

2002 to 2003 SARS outbreak infected 8098 people with severe acute respiratory failure leading to the deaths of 774 people an outbreak that was confirmed or spread to humans after they came into contact with a bat virus.

Fake News or Misdirection.

If you listen To the common narrative that is since the SARS outbreak was controlled in 2003 The UK government has not prepared itself for a similar outbreak.

In 2009 The UK government added to the weekly influenza reports DATAMART to record severe acute respiratory failure syndrome caused by pneumonia type diseases. [2] [3]

We are then led to believe that's a disease that has led to this pandemic was not researched across the world.

Jump to 2019 and we are expected to believe that’s a businessman from China has managed to spread a coronavirus that has affected 2080 people and killed over 44,000 people in the UK.
There seems to come back to the question Of the missing piece in the puzzle.

The stepping stone.

What this narrative seems to leave out is the fact that's in 2012 a more severe strain of coronavirus was identified in the Middle East. 

This new more deadly coronavirus MERs-COV has led to more deaths than the original SARS outbreak in 2002 -2003 it is a killer disease with a higher mortality rate that kills 4 out of 10 people it infects. [4]

This strain of coronavirus has been a great concern To the World Health Organisation UN Security Council .

The American centre of Disease Control and the UK government (as well as many governments within the EU begin researching. 

MERs standing for Middle Eastern Respiratory syndrome- covid disease. [5] [6] [7]

MERs-COV is nearly an identical match for SARS-COV-2 and is the stepping stone from the original  SARs outbreak in 2002.

Both of them have originated from the same source of bacteria in bats. 

However on MERs-COV this jump has been made from bats to camels and is transfered to humand through camel products. MERs-COV can be transferred from human to human on contact but its spread was limited to the middle east originally the countries affected where; 

Saudi Arabia, 
United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Yemen.

The World Health Organisation due to this deemed them spread of MERs-COV as a low risk to the global population unless they travelled to and from the Middle East. How wrong they were.

However in 2013 it began to spread to the following countries.

Republic of Korea, 
Turkey, United Kingdom (UK), and United States of America (USA). [8] [9]

In 2014 the Guardian Wrote an article referencing the increase of MERs-COV in Syrian refugees.

At the Same time the number of Asylum Seekers increased. [10]

At the same time a number of reports are written about the risk of MERs-COV. [11]

The Reality.

So here is a more Accurate time line- 

2002- 2003 SARS outbreak in China.

2009 due to concerns of a severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak The UK government start monitoring SARS outbreaks in the UK on the weekly influenza report.[12]

2012 the World Health Organisation Categorise is the Corona virus outbreak in the Middle East as an epidemic an potential threat cheque public health this new coronavirus transferred from camels to humans is named MERs-COV. [13]

2012 The UK government produces guidelines around clinical management and diagnosis of MERs COV. 

This includes; an algorithm to track and trace and control the spread of the virus, travel information for people coming back from and to the Middle East including guidance for anybody showing the symptoms of a cough, temperature over 36 degrees, runny nose and shortness of breath. 

This guidance includes 14 day isolation For anybody showing these symptoms. 

Washing of hands for 20 seconds, social distancing of two metres, what PPE to use when dealing with somebody who is suspected of being infected.

All this guidance including travel information Is produced in various languages including the following English, Urdu, Bangladeshi, Arabic,. And Somalian. [14]

2012 the government issues guidance and instruct NHS trusts to begin Adding MERs-COV to their infectious disease programme.

2013 the first outbreak are monitored across the world including the UK [15]

2014 two confirmed cases are reported in the Netherlands. The Dutch government issues the same guidance as the UK. [16]

2012 the government adds GP sentinel to monitor the cases of influenza that leads to acute respiratory failure syndrome in the UK. [17]

2013- 2016 the World Health Organisation closely monitors the increase in May’s covid cases in the Middle East and its spread towards Asia.

2013 the Government starts planning multi agency responses to infectious disease outbreaks in prison and detention centres [18]

2013 the USA Deperartment of state declares that under Section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(b) quoting 

"There is a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad and that involves Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV)." }19]

2014 the World Health organisation creates a hand book for cruise ships. MERS-COV [20]

2014 Global security experts and intelligence agencies begin to view MERS-COV as a potential  CBRNe threat. [21]

2015 MERs-COV has its first confirmed cases in China delete sentence. [22]

Between 2013 and 2016 many NHS trusts prepare an EP PR in guidance in line with guidance from the World Health Organisation. 

2013 The CDC WHO, and security panel deem MERs-COV a credible threat to public health and Global security. [23]

2012 to 2014 Sheffield teaching hospital an research hospital begin researching at the request of the UK government zoo tonic viruses including MERs-COV .

2014 3 professors from UK teaching hospital in Sheffield steam mere kovid a credible threat to public health in the UK. 

2015 Manchester hospital closes a any Department after suspected outbreak of MERs-COV. [24]

2015 MERS-COV hits the Philippines and begins to spread across South East Asia. [25] [26]

2016 exercise Cyngus is launched by cobra to cheque the emergency preparation Planning and response to an influenza type virus that leads to SARS. [27]

2017 after exercise cynigus the governments prepare new multi agency responses too and outbreaks of infectious diseases in prisons care homes and schools. [28]

2017 World Health Organisation and Global powers meet to discuss next steps in dealing with the MERs-COV threat. [29]

2017  2017, one Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) patient in Riyadh was responsible for directly infecting 16 patients, leading to an outbreak that infected 44 people in the surrounding area in just over a fortnight. Recent research into the outbreak indicates that it is often difficult to diagnose pneumonia, one of the key symptoms of the disease, in patients suffering renal and cardiac failures. This delays identification of the virus, and proper infection control procedures.[30]

2017 Japan steps up research into MERS-COV [31]

2017 UK Government and Public health releases treatment advice for MERS-COV. [32]

2018 new confirmed outbreak is confirmed in the UK MERs-KOV  is now currently in 27 countries has infected 5000 people estimated with a mortality rate of 37%.

2018 Research shows that a mutation of MERs-COV is creating a disease that has mild flu like symptoms. [33]

2018 Sergi Skipol and his is taken to hospital with Severe Acute Respiratory failure. Within 5 days others are admitted. The UK Government blamed Russia and NOVACHOK a chemical weapon is used. The Russian retaliate claiming that the Virus is SARS-COV-2. The UK implements the Same outbreak procedures as it would later us in to Covid-19 outbreak. [34] [35]

Oct 2019 study on transmission of MERs-COV [36]

Dec 2019 out of no where China declares a national Emergency and begins to lockdown after the spread of a mysterious coronavirus.

Jan 2020 Hong Kong reports suspected MERs-COV case. [37]

2020 the weekly Influenza report begins to record NO cases of Severe acute respiratory infection caused by Influenza all these had been recorded previously.

2020 the figures around infection are reported as being lower than first thought.

FEB 2020 first confirmed cases of coronavirus onboard the Princess Diamond a ship that visit both the middle east and Asia.[38]

Feb 2020 breaks story about Princess Diamond and world starts to go into lockdown as confirmed cases of coronavirus outbreaks hit the headlines.

Mar 2020 a lone Chinese businessmen is diagnosed with coronavirus and UK goes onto lockdown.

May 2020 HongKong produces stricter guidance for MERS-COV[39]

June 2020 in the Far east the disease is still classified as MERS-COV 

The rest is history. Lighting fast response, virus identified, huge Nightingale Hospitals built, military mobilise, new multi-Agency response created, new marketing and advice prepare about what to do how to keep safe.

All within 8-12 weeks?

Important note.

Since 2013 the Muslim Council of Britain has issued yearly guidance to those who attended the greatest Mass Gathering on the Planet. [40] [41] [42] [43]

Recent press reports have claimed that they is no treatment. 

But yet treatment has been readily available for SARS-COV-2, why has this not been disgust that would mean the admission of MERS-COV bringing it the the front page of all national media channels. [44] [45]

After recent testing it would appear Covid-19 SARs-COV-2 is a mutation of MERs-Cov and SARs-Cov. However all a Betacoronavirus (the same group) all lineage C.

But yet not one UK official has mentioned MERs-COV

Despite years of research, millions spent and its findings has shaped the Government response to this outbreak.


So how has a disease that has mainly been isolated into the UK spread cross 27 countries.
The answer lies within the huge rise in Illegal immigration Asylum seeking from war zones and the huge refugee crisis.

It can also be traced to global travel tourism and especially the cruise industry. [46]

Since 2012 is estimated 1.3 million refugees have flyde conflicts from this Middle East. [47]

Illegal immigration is one of the biggest threats to public health and national security illegal immigration And human trafficking allows four people who may be infected with infectious diseases to bypass health screening health testing and quarantine before been allowed to arrive in the country. [48]

Due to the huge number of asylum seekers entering the country illegally the government has been unable to provide suitable accommodation For those seeking to become refugees.

This has led to many being housed in short term detention centres low category prisons and in hotels in Maine population areas.

It is believed the first cases of coronavirus have been traced back to a park Inn hotel in York. [49]

Health screening and mental health process for refugees is comprehensive however for asylum seekers entering the country illegally this is very limited.

However we have seen recently reports of Asylum seekers that have raised complaints regarding this accommodation as a breeding ground for infectious diseases. [49] [50] [51] [52]

2015-2016 Imported case of MERS-COV Thailand from Oman. [53]

However immigration in itself is not the main method of transmission Spread.

The increase in the multi billion Cruise industry is also a major factor in 2018 it is recorded that those embarking and disembarking from cruise ships hit the 1.9 million mark.[54] [55] [56]

One cruise ship the Princess Diamond at the centre of the breaking story had 750 confirmed cases of coronavirus alone. [57]

In 2018 Richard Branson Virgin Threw its hat into the profitable cruise industry. [58]

Millions of people have sailed around The Middle East, UAE, the Arabian pennisula, the pyramids Saudi Arabia and visited Egypt whilst on cruises many of these people have come into contact with camels or people that work with camels or use camel project products.

A recent report claimed that in 2019 Saudi Arabia had had 50,000 holiday makers alone many of these were British and Chinese. [59] [60]

2018 the Saudi government in the midst of a MERs-COv epidemic opened up for visas applications for tourists dot. All of this research brings into question.

The spread of a disease that has been killing people for other a decade. 

It’s more than a Coincidence that Donald Trump’s election pledges included a travel ban 2 Middle Eastern countries that have had or had in which there has been a MERs-COV outbreak.

The UK government as part of its lockdown measures introduced a travel ban This travel ban Is due to lift on the 10th of July the same countries named in trump's initial travel ban 

That have MERs-COV outbreaks have been left off the authorised list for travel.

The UK government with support from many in the left have just voted to restrict freedom of movement and is stepping up it’s fight against illegal immigration.

Has the fear of been branded racist or the fact the race divide has been Influencing both national and global politics for centuries.

Did the the UK government try to prevent further claims allegations from the dark right against BAME community. 

Has it tried to prevent attacks from groups like The English defence League and individuals that aim to divide the UK.

Have these truths have been Omitted from the recent narrative meant that many have been put at risk in the UK and communities have been Lied to protect them. 

This action has been taken to avoid the rise in Islamophobia from far right extremists.

Or has the Government put old alliance before the safety of millions.

Has the Covid-19 Brand been a very clever use of marketing to hide the real killer and its origins


Is it likely that a mysterious virus brought in the UK by one China business has infected 284000 and killed 44,000.” This disease just appeared but ever Government was ready to act within a couple of weeks

Is it more likely that 100s of thousands of people through migration and tourism. These people have brought into the UK a disease that over time and the fact it has had contact with different Regional DNA markers from different nations had mutated to be able to infect more people and the disease it creates has much wider side diagnoses range of symptoms from milder symptoms to SARs.


A disease that has killed in its 1000s.
A disease the UK has been ready, planned and prepared for since 2012.”

If this was the killer disease why would the Government issue futher Guidance for MERs-COV sampling for those who met the assessment criteria.

So has the Government put BAME Communities at risk the answer is yes. It has failed to release the full facts and considering the origins of this stepping stone coronavirus more should have been done.

But did the racial divide lead to this lack of transparency. 

Have we as a country being scared into not have honest conversations about topics that affect BAME communities because of fear of being called Racist, even when this topics can save lives. [61]

Additional research links.

Five years of MERs-COV testing severe acute respiratory syndrome  coronavirus NJ 4 be protein inhibitors host RN I SL El activation 29th of March 2016

Department of rheology Department of infectious diseases Sheffield teaching hospital NHS foundation trust PDF June 2016 [62]

Section K Calderdale and Huddersfield  NHS trust MERs- COV policy 11th February 2016 [63] [64]

Statement on MERs-COV Royal Liverpool University [65] [66]

Respiratory virus infectious Royal Devon and Exeter NHS 17th of October 2018 [69] 

Risk assessment of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Devon health see see NHS Trust 15th of June 2015 [70] [71]

severe acute respiratory syndrome corporate disease library for testing 18th of may 2017 including MERs-Cov. [72]

Anthrax is currently considered one of the most serious bioterrorism threats. ... second severe CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS -CoV), ... [73] [74] [75] -[76]







Written by JSG 5th July 2020 all rights, reseach reserved.


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