Did the legacy of Chemical Warfare create corona-virus?

Has the human race fashioned its own end? By playing with nature or is nature fighting back? After researching corona-virus outhreaks over the last 12 months. The one question many people ask "Is the Covid virus man made?" This light a spark inside me to find out about these killer viruses. As an Army veteran this then started to push me on to think about my NBC training in the 1990s, learning about the effects of these killer compounds. This spurred on the research I have done regarding MERs-Cov and its threat as a bio-hazard.[1] By peeling back the skin of this question I found out some amazing research dating before the first war world. Many peoole believe chemocal weapons are a prodict of the modern battlefield but poisons, toxics and bactetia have been used for centuriee. But tor this piece i wanted to try to find a link between the outbreak epicentres and tye use of chemical weapons. With some digging I managed to do just that. There have been many mass chemical attacks...