Covid-19 Pandemic or Propaganda

According to a recent Blog by the ONS it would appear that lockdown is physically good for prolonging your life.

A recent blog has been released by the Office of National statistics [1] that really draws into question the validity of the Covid-19 pandemic in UK.

The blog  titled, Coronavirus deaths: Taking stock of what we’ve seen so far – and what might happen next?  Written by Sarah Caul is short and sweet but it makes a number of alarming statements. 

Her comments, the DATA recorded tcoupled together with the evidence provided in my earlier Blog  [2] raises the questions about the scale of the UK pandemic of Covid-19. 

Its it the killer we have been told or is it just a simple propaganda campaign designed to direct our attention from the issues that are really threating our way of life?

In my earlier blog you can clearly see that this virus did not come from no where. Nor did it stealthily sneak up on the country like a shady assassin.

Indeed contrary to popular narrative the UK Government has been monitoring for and outbreak such as the Covid-19 since 2009. 

On top of this since 2012 they have been ready and prepared for such a pandemic and in March 2020 the kicked onto overdrive to deliver this plan.

As discussed in the previous blog since the 2002-2003 SARs Outbreak, the 2009 (HINI) Avian influenza outbreak, the Spanish  Swine flu outbreak and the devastating 2012 MERs-COV outbreaks the world has been looking for indicators of the outbreak of a flu like zoonotic disease outbreak that leads to severe acute respiratory failure.

Like the UK Government many now have plans in place to control the spread of such outbreaks.

Since the 2009 spike we have seen long period where there was a steady and maintained drop in influzena figures between [3-]  where vaccines working?  we will never know because from 2014 Why we were suddenly hit by a huge increase in cases.

Based on this DATA provided the ONS we saw a spike in the number of deaths caused by Influenza and viruses through severe acute respiratory syndrome/failure (SARs)

2019, there were 75,000 deaths recorded due to influenza diseases that lead respiratory failure. But yet in the grips of a pandemic Covid-19 had claimed 44,000 to date. But yet Influenza deaths has reduced to ZERO. 

How likely is this? Have we irradiated a disease that has blighted mankind since the dawn of time?

This devastating pandemic has attacked our health, our human rights, our freedom, our mental health and has affected the education of a generation.

But it has not taken more lives, how can that be?

Thats right, according to the blog released by the ONS the national death rate for all registered deaths, of all types as remained constant at the 5 year average. No Increase, no decrease stayed at the average.

How is this possible? Some of the reasons Sarah had stated that it could because of the fact we have been lockdown therefore no viruses have been spread. If that's the case how did the daily Covid-19 death increase. 

Or it could be because of lockdown there has been less pollution. This is a great win for the Green Campaign less pollution live longer.

But this leads to the deaths caused by the deadly coronavirus, they are real ? aren't or they?

The answer is Yes, the world has been the grip of a killer coronavirus that keeps mutating since 2012. 

But due to very modern, very clever marketing and the use of social media we have been directed away from the reality of coronavirus.

The wording and branding used by Public Health England has been produced in a way to draw you in and hide the simple fact here.

That since 2002 the UK has been under threat of Zoonotic bacteria that has created viruses spread from animals to humans, then from humans to humans that kill in the most horrific way. You drown on your own body fluids.

These viruses are spread through Global travel, as multi trillion pound tourism sector and migration infecting millions across the globe yearly.

These viruses are here to stay and are constantly mutating to beat the vaccines.

Check our next blog due soon, 

Illegal immigration, terrorism and mental health. Which one is the biggest threat to UK security?

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[1] ons blog

[2] previous blog Covid-19 

[3] Influenza deaths ONS.


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